Better Mortgage

Creating curated internal tooling

The goal

The process

How might we break down the complex mortgage process into bit sized chunks? We had to strike a balance between trustworthy and reliable, and curated and streamlined.

Working on internal products creates a unique and exciting challenge: my co-workers were my users. My team envisioned new tools that are used by thousands of Better employees every day to review finances, make outbound calls, and process documents. Our goal was to determine how to use technology to break down incredibly manual processes into a few clicks

To get into the minds of the sales team, and determine success, I had to learn new user research methodologies, how to test and learn quickly, and true consistent iteration. My design strategy was to implement smarter ways of working to help save my coworkers headaches, and help save customers time and money.

The team

UX & UI: Kerry Drapcho
Design system:
Steven Sczepanik & Kerry Drapcho

The problem

In 2020, Better saw a 175% increase in loan volume, and their software couldn’t keep up. Improving efficiency and creating smart workflows was essential to company growth.

The problem

As loan volume increased, so did the overall loan processing time. Our tasks needed to be more focused to help employees work smarter and effici

The impact

By solving friction moments, and using familiar patterns, we increased the adoption of our tools by 3x. The sales team processed 56% more loans, and reduced time to close by 10 days.



